3 Jul 2003

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I have enlisted Barney as a 'coordinator' for the team during this campaign: “I’m going to enjoy sitting on your right-hand,” he said.

He is good at his job and has respect from most of the team, with the exception of Thrush, who thinks he can do everyone’s job better.

I got a phone call. It was Graham, the manager of the garden centre, ringing to confirm that everything was ready for the weekend. I naturally thought that he meant the sales campaign (he has distributed over five hundred thousand flyers in the local area with our number on.)

He wasn’t. Apparently, when he met me the other day I had agreed to join his ‘Fences for Owd Folk’ charity scheme. I have volunteered to build a fence for a local old bloke.

Call Centre Tony was in hoots when I told him: “Brace yourself Charlie Dimmock – support is finally at hand.”

Serves me right for concentrating on Graham’s syrup.