10 Apr 2004

My New Improved Blogroll

As promised, I have managed to remember my Blogroll password, after a number of failed attempts, and have revamped it with the Blogs that I have been reading recently.

I clearly have not mastered the art of linking yet. I’ll persevere.

Zed and Natalie were both early supporters of CCC (or C cubed, as Pickle Juice prefers). If you’re not turned on by their very witty take on modern family life then you should at least check out their impeccable blog-links. Daily reads.

Birdman is about to get a shed so he can recreate his early life raised in a bird house. If you like his northern droll then try out the new Preston who has made a strong start.

“Shamus Heaney is a cunt” according to Adrian Slatcher who writes the first blog I ever visited. His bellyaching about the state of contemporary literature amuses me; I’m not sure it should, but it does. Download the sample of Where do you want to go today? as it is very funny.

Scaryduck is endlessly inventive and the best of blogging comedy.

Like many people, I find myself wandering through many blogs in a never-ending chain; I visit some that I can never find again.

I’ll add some more over the Easter weekend.

(Hey - I don't believe it - it is nearly like a real blog!)