13 Apr 2004

The Weakest Link

Ocassionally, I get e-mails asking for blogging tips. What do I know? I’m just a tosser with a headset.

I have a couple of guiding principles that I apply when I’m writing a post that I share with correspondents:

1) I feel a bit like Polonius giving advice to his son, so I’ll pinch something from him:

“Brevity is the source of wit.”

15 lines good – 150 lines bad – Shakespeare should have followed his own advice when writing Hamlet.

2) From one pinnacle of world drama to another: In Waynes World 2, Jim Morrison’s ghost says “They will come”… It’s the same with blogging, if you write stuff that people want to read, they will come.

If you are spending more time looking at your stats than reading other blogs or writing your own, you probably need to calm down a bit.

3) Don’t be afraid to edit your archives. As Wayne says, “be sure to cross (y)our "t"s and dot your....lower case "j"s.”

4) When you have choice between the truth and the legend, print the joke.

5) Don’t take it too seriously.

CCC returns to normal after today. If you like blogs that editorialise, then you may like Byker, who is trying to incite a riot which will bring about the nightmare vision of a world without Girls Aloud.

HMTL does not mix with dyslexia, I shall not be linking again – it’s too much like hard work – if you like that sort of thing theDr (he has a dancing Chas Smash!) and daisy do it to perfection.

Normal service will be resumed as I’m back to the jug tomorrow. Thanks for your attention.